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Breast Cancer Research Centre - WA

Perth, Australia

Breast Cancer Research Centre - WA
  • 500 New breast cancer cases treated per year
  • 20 Breast multidisciplinarity team members
Radiologists, surgeons, pathologists, medical oncologists, radiotherapists and nurses

Breast Cancer Research Centre-WA incorporating Perth Breast Cancer Institute (PBCI) is located on level 4 of the Hollywood Consulting Centre situated on Hollywood Private Hospital grounds. PBCI has on-site Medical Oncologists, Breast Surgeons, Radiation Oncologists, Reconstructive Surgeons, Breast Clinic staffed by dedicated Breast Physicians, Breast Clinical Trials Unit, Breast Care Nurses, Clinical Psychologists and Radiology. The location of all these services in one building greatly benefits patients and their loved ones by reducing travel times and the associated stress that can be caused by having to manage multiple appointments. The different treatments needed for individual patients will be personalised, and patients will be guided through their care phases. The PBCI is the realisation of many years’ work and will help us continue to reshape the future of breast cancer. It is a Western Australian first and has Ramsay Health Care and Hollywood Private Hospital's backing, offering world-class treatment, care, and support to breast cancer patients and their families.

Breast Cancer Research Centre - WA

91 Monash Avenue Nedlands
6009 Perth, 
Phone: +61865005500
Fax: +61865005599

Last modified: 05 March 2021