University of Szeged - Dept. of Oncotherapy
Szeged, Hungary

- 350 New breast cancer cases treated per year
- 19 Breast multidisciplinarity team members
Our Breast Unit was founded in 1999 based on the integration of teams of different departments that managed breast diseases. The Unit performs more than 250 breast cancer surgeries per year applying isotope-guided (ROLL)or rarely wire-guided excision of non-palpable tumours, sentinel lymph node biopsy with isotope and blue dye labelling, primary or delayed prosthesis implantation with the co-operation of a trained plastic surgeon. Medical treatments and radiotherapy are performed according to local protocols based on international guidelines or alternatively, in clinical studies. Different research fields are active, both as a multidisciplinar programs, and at the specific institutes. Graduate and post-graduate educational programs are ongoing. The biennial Szeged Breast Cancer Symposium is organized by the Breast Center. International and national cooperations are active in all fields. Recently a molecular genetics team has set off, and multigene assays are used for treatment of advanced/metastatic breast cancer after the multidisciplinary discussion of the case. More and more, individualized teratments are applied in all settings.
University of Szeged - Dept. of Oncotherapy
Korányi Fasor 12
H-6720 Szeged,
Phone: +3662545404
Fax: +3662545922
E-mail: kahan.zsuzsanna@med.u-szeged.hu
Web-site: http://www.klinikaikozpont.u-szeged.hu/onko/
Last modified: 18 May 2016