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Home > Breast Units > Directory > Directory > Turkey > Istanbul University, Institute of Oncology, Surgical Oncology Unit
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Istanbul University, Institute of Oncology, Surgical Oncology Unit

Capa, Istanbul, Turkey

Istanbul University, Institute of Oncology, Surgical Oncology Unit
  • 250 New breast cancer cases treated per year
  • 14 Breast multidisciplinarity team members
Radiologists, surgeons, pathologists, medical oncologists, radiotherapists and nurses

Clinical Director: Hasan KaranlikMD

The Unit of Surgical Oncology of Istanbul University Institute of Oncology was founded in 1989. Annually, an average of 5000 new patients applies at our institute, and 60.000 patients are called for follow-up and checks. An average of 350 patients plus 90 out-patients undergo radiotherapy every day. The institute has 53 beds: 21 beds on the second floor, 19 beds for adult patients on the third floor and 13 beds at the Child Service.
The surgical oncology unit accelerated its activity in the area of breast cancer treatment from the end of 2007. From the beginning, the main goal has been to concentrate clinical research and treatment of breast cancer. Breast conserving surgery is the main aim in the treatment of our patients and the breast can be preserved in the majority of cases. The Breast Unit has many collaborations with other divisions of the institute at laboratory and clinical level and multidisciplinary aproach can be achieved. Our surgical unit has two operating rooms which are fully equipped and about 8-12 newly diagnosed breast cancer patients can be operated weekly.

Istanbul University, Institute of Oncology, Surgical Oncology Unit

Millet C.
34093 Capa, 
Phone: +902124142434
Fax: +902125348078

Last modified: 17 May 2016