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Home > Breast Units > Directory > Argentina > Centro Mamario del Hospital Universitario Austral
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Centro Mamario del Hospital Universitario Austral

Derqui, Partido de Pilar, Buenos Aires, Argentina

Centro Mamario del Hospital Universitario Austral
  • 170 New breast cancer cases treated per year
  • 21 Breast multidisciplinarity team members
Radiologists, surgeons, pathologists, medical oncologists, radiotherapists and nurses

Clinical Director: Ignacio Mc LeanMD

The Breast Center of the Austral University Hospital was established in 2006, and it is the first comprehensive breast cancer centre in Argentina. It is located 50 kilometres north of Buenos Aires city. The Center provides integrated scientific quality and excellence in managing breast diseases, efficient diagnosis within 24 hours and appropriate treatment to reduce the impact of disease on quality of life. The staff has wide experience in oncoplastic surgery, and weekly multidisciplinary team meeting with case management decision are scheduled.


Unidad de Mastología Acreditada - Sociedad Argentina de Mastología

Expiration date:  01 March 2026
Unidad de Mastología Acreditada - Sociedad Argentina de Mastología

Sociedad Argentina de Mastología

Certification document (original lang.)
Certification document (eng lang.)


Centro Mamario del Hospital Universitario Austral

Av. Pte Perón 1500
1629 Derqui, Partido de Pilar, Buenos Aires, 
Phone: +542304482707
Fax: +542304482000

Last modified: 08 June 2021