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Home > Breast Units > Directory > Belgium > Erasme Hospital Free University of Brussels
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Erasme Hospital Free University of Brussels

Brussels, Belgium

Erasme Hospital Free University of Brussels
  • 150 New breast cancer cases treated per year
  • 9 Breast multidisciplinarity team members
Radiologists, surgeons, pathologists, medical oncologists, radiotherapists and nurses

Clinical Director: Philippe SimonMD, PhD

The Breast Unit of our academic hospital covers the whole spectrum of breast diseases. We provide care for benign diseases as well as for all stages of breast cancer. We take part in the national breast cancer screening program, support and provide public education and strongly emphasize and support continuous education of our own team. We perform all diagnostic interventions with all imaging modalities. We work in perfect cooperation among the departments of haematology/oncology, pathology, radiation therapy and psychotherapy/psychosomatic medicine. There are interdisciplinary meetings held at least once a week concerning diagnostic procedures, surgical approaches, presentation of pathological results and further post-operative management in terms of, e.g. chemotherapy or radiation therapy for breast cancer patients (interdisciplinary tumour conference). Patient support is granted by one breast-care nurse and one clinical psychologist. Physiotherapy and lymph-oedema treatment are available for all our patients, and palliative care is well established.

Erasme Hospital Free University of Brussels

Route De Lennik 808
1070 Brussels, 
Phone: +3225553684
Fax: +3225556841

Last modified: 20 April 2022