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Home > Breast Units > Directory > Bosnia and Herzegovina > Surgical Oncology/Clinical Center Sarajevo

Surgical Oncology/Clinical Center Sarajevo

Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina

Surgical Oncology/Clinical Center Sarajevo
  • 200 New breast cancer cases treated per year
  • 24 Breast multidisciplinarity team members
Radiologists, surgeons, pathologists, medical oncologists, radiotherapists and nurses

Clinical Director: Šefik BešlicMD

The full name of the Clinic is 'Oncology and Glandular Surgery Clinic'. At the beginning, in 1956, the Clinic was made up of just the surgery division that then became wards and department. Since then, the Clinic has been evaluated in many ways, treating patients even during the three and a half year long siege of the city of Sarajevo. After the new organization of our Clinical center, the Clinic was transferred to the location of „Old Surgery“ where it is based now. Since 2003, Primaries Dr. Šefik Bešlic has been nominated as the Head of the Clinic and the Clinic itself, along with all previous activities, has developed its range of operational treatments regarding oncology surgery. Within the Clinic there are two standard patient wards with 29 beds, half intensive care department and one suit. For outpatients we have a specialist ambulance for examinations. Clinic has its own operational theatre with corresponding equipment.

Surgical Oncology/Clinical Center Sarajevo

Bolnicka 25
71000 Sarajevo, 
Phone: +38733297555
Fax: +38733258431

Last modified: 22 January 2016