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Home > Breast Units > Directory > Ecuador > Centro Oncologico Integral (CENONI)
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Centro Oncologico Integral (CENONI)

Guayaquil, Ecuador

Centro Oncologico Integral (CENONI)
  • 180 New breast cancer cases treated per year
  • 12 Breast multidisciplinarity team members
Radiologists, surgeons, pathologists, medical oncologists, radiotherapists and nurses

Clinical Director: LUIS PENDOLAFACS, MD

Our Mastology unit is located within a Comprehensive Cancer Center (CENONI), a multidisciplinary group dedicated to screening programs, prevention, early diagnosis and treatment of breast cancer in all its stages. We are a private center that has the services of breast surgery, reconstructive surgery, clinical oncology, diagnostic and interventional radiology, pathology, genetic and genomic tests, psycho oncology, palliative care, etc. We have only been in business for four years and we have grown a lot thanks to the warmth of our paramedical staff and the quality and scientific level of our medical specialists. Our group holds periodic meetings to discuss cases (Cancer Committees), in order, following updated protocols, to propose the best treatment alternative for our patients. We have all the services that breast cancer patients may require, located either inside or outside our Institution (CENONI) We are a young but experienced Unit

Centro Oncologico Integral (CENONI)

Av. Joaquin Orrantia y Av.Juan tanca Marengo Edif. Equilibrium 7mo Piso Of # 707
090112 Guayaquil, 
Phone: 5934 6009900

Last modified: 30 November 2021