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Home > Breast Units > Directory > Italy > Azienda Istituti Ospitalieri di Cremona
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Azienda Istituti Ospitalieri di Cremona

Cremona, Italy

Azienda Istituti Ospitalieri di Cremona
  • 287 New breast cancer cases treated per year
  • 22 Breast multidisciplinarity team members
Radiologists, surgeons, pathologists, medical oncologists, radiotherapists and nurses

Clinical Director: Daniele GeneraliD.Phil, MD

The Unit of Breast Disease of Azienda Istituti Ospitalieri di Cremona is made up of the Senology Unit (Level 1) and the Breast Cancer Unit (level 4).
The Senology Unit is dedicated to breast screening and diagnosis. More then 8000 people are screened every year.
The invasive breast cancer ratio/per year is more than 250 new cases, 50 DCIS, 200 benign breast diseases, 30 metastatic new cases per year.
The Senology Unit provides: 1) Help desk for booking mammography and clinical visits; 2) Two rooms dedicated to senological and clinical visit; 3) One room dedicated to genetic counseling for people with BRCA 1 and 2 mutations, for people with familiarity or for risk assessment. An expert team (Oncologist and Geneticist) is in charge of this aspect; 4) Thanks to the collaboration with the Radiology Department, the Senology Unit offers mammography, breast ultrasounds and FNA daily; 5) It provides a core team (radiologist and surgeons) dedicated to the Mammotone procedure.
The Breast Cancer Unit is made up of the Breast Surgical Unit and the Breast Oncology Unit.

Azienda Istituti Ospitalieri di Cremona

Viale Concordia 1
26100 Cremona, 
Phone: +390372408042
Fax: +390372405307

Last modified: 02 May 2016