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Home > Breast Units > Directory > Directory > Italy > S. Andrea Hospital Sapienza Rome University
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S. Andrea Hospital Sapienza Rome University

Rome, Italy

S. Andrea Hospital Sapienza Rome University
  • 450 New breast cancer cases treated per year
  • 22 Breast multidisciplinarity team members
Radiologists, surgeons, pathologists, medical oncologists, radiotherapists and nurses

Sant’Andrea Hospital, established in 2001, is the teaching hospital of the Second Medicine Faculty of University “La Sapienza” in Rome. The Breast Unit started its activity in 2003 merging the skills of its staff with the opportunities of a new structure.
All modern diagnostic facilities are now available and we can perform all invasive diagnostic procedures as well as all kinds of breast surgery. Conservative surgery is of course our main goal performed with oncoplastic surgical techniques.
Day Surgery procedures are also available.
Since 2006, at the opening of our Radiotherapy Department, we have all the resources for complete breast cancer treatment, including Intraoperative Radiotherapy.
Multidisciplinary meetings are weekly held involving diagnostic specialists, pathologists, radiotherapists, medical oncologists and psychologists to plan the best treatment for each breast cancer patient.
As University Hospital we have residents in all specialities, such as a post graduate Master in Senology and Plastic Surgery of the Breast and for Breast Nurses. The Unit participates in National and International studies on Breast Cancer.


Decreto del Commissario ad Acta (delibera del Consiglio dei Ministri del 21 marzo 2013) n. U00038 de

Expiration date:  03 February 2020
Decreto del Commissario ad Acta (delibera del Consiglio dei Ministri del 21 marzo 2013) n. U00038 de

Regione Lazio

This Centre has notified to be certified and, as such, been requested to upload the certification document for further information. When the certification document/s is/are provided, it is/they are made available hereafter.


S. Andrea Hospital Sapienza Rome University

Via di Grottarossa 1035
00189 Rome, 
Phone: +390633775647
Fax: +390633775647

Last modified: 13 March 2017