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Home > Breast Units > Breast Units > Directory > Pakistan > Aga Khan University
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Aga Khan University

Karachi, Sindh, Pakistan

Aga Khan University
  • 250 New breast cancer cases treated per year
  • 19 Breast multidisciplinarity team members
Radiologists, surgeons, pathologists, medical oncologists, radiotherapists and nurses

Clinical Director: Shaista KhanFRCS, MBBS

Our Breast Unit is a section in the Department of Surgery at Aga Khan University, a private University with campuses in Africa, Pakistan, UK and Central Asia. The University offers Undergraduate as well as Post Graduate Training programs in Medicine, Nursing, Allied Health, Health Mangament and Education. The services have been in place since 1988, with facilities to perform screening and comprehensive management of symptomatic disease. A complete database has been in place helping to maintain a Hospital Based Cancer registry. It is indeed considered to be a referral centre at National level. The University is paving its way to establish a Centre of Excellence in Oncology. One of the faculty has been awarded a National accolade in recognition of the services provided, whilst another member is currently completeing a Full Time PhD in Breast Cancer from Aga Khan University.

Aga Khan University

Stadium Road
PO Box 350 Karachi, 
Phone: +922134930051
Fax: +922134934294

Last modified: 16 January 2017