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Home > Breast Units > Directory > Portugal > Hospital Espirito Santo Evora
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Hospital Espirito Santo Evora

Evora, Portugal

Hospital Espirito Santo Evora
  • 160 New breast cancer cases treated per year
  • 12 Breast multidisciplinarity team members
Radiologists, surgeons, pathologists, medical oncologists, radiotherapists and nurses

Clinical Director: Rosa FelixMD

UMAlentejo is the breast unit of Central Alentejo, a region in the south of Portugal, being Évora its capital. We work in close proximity with other hospitals in Alentejo. We have a regional multidisciplinary meeting, being the purppose to offer every woman in Alentejo equality and accessibility to tratment of Breast Cancer. We have written and shared working protocols, so that every patient in Alentejo can benefit from the existing equipment, technology and knowledgein our region. Whenever necessary (appointment with geneticist, nuclear medicine service and reproductive and fertility service), we have collaborating protocols with other hospitals. We are a young, active and enthusiastic multidisciplinary team actively involved in the treatment of breast cancer centered in the patient. Our goal is to treat patients according to international guidelines, with treatment plans tailored accordingly and having the patient always involved in the decision-making process. We are able to offer our patients what we consider the standard of care for Breast Cancer.

Hospital Espirito Santo Evora

Largo Senhor da Pobreza
7000-811 Evora, 
Phone: +351 266740100
Fax: +351 266701821

Last modified: 15 September 2021