CHC - Centre Hospitalier Chrétien
Liège, Belgium
CHC - Centre Hospitalier Chrétien
Rue de Hesbaye, 75
4000 Liège, Belgium
Phone: +3242248111
E-mail: catherine.marissiaux@chc.be
Web-site: www.chc.be
From airport:
Liège airport is 15 minutes away (by car) from the hospital.
By train:
Liège Guillemins station is approximately 3 Km from the hospital. Buses leave every 10 minutes. Take one of the following buses to Place Saint Lambert: 1, 4.
By bus or sub-way/underground:
From the city centre, take bus number 12, 75, 80, 80/, 81, 82, 83, 84, 85, 88, 175 to the CHC-Clinique >Saint-Joseph. Bus stop is right in the front of the hospital main entrance.
By car:
Via E25, motorway, and exit n. 33. Then follow arrows.
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