Centre Hospitalier Universitaire du Sart-Tilman
Liège, Belgium
Centre Hospitalier Universitaire du Sart-Tilman
Domaine Universitaire B35
4000 Liège,
Phone: +3243667801
Fax: +3243667448
E-mail: g.jerusalem@chu.ulg.ac.be
Web-site: www.chuliege.be
From airport:
By train to Liège main station (Guillemins) and than by bus or taxi, car (+/- 100km).
By train:
Liège is reachable by train (Guillemins train station) from Brussels; the CHU is reachable from the city either by Bus n. 48 or by taxi or car (10 minutes).
By bus or sub-way/underground:
Bus line number 48 from the city center or from the main train station.
By car:
From Achen (E40), Antwerpen (E313), Brussels (E40) and from Maastricht (E25), follow indications Ring E25 Luxembourg and Liège A602. Going out from Liege, follow Luxembourg (E25), take exit n. 40 (Embourg). Follow 'Sart-Tilman Ulg CHU'.
From Wallonia motorway (E42), take exit A604 (Seraing). Before crossing la Meuse river, take exit n. 4, direction n. 617 Liège. Follow this direction on the left side of Meuse river, untill Ougrée bridge. Then follow 'Sart-Tilman Ulg CHU'.
From Luxembourg (E25), exit n. 40 (Embourg). Follow 'Sart-Tilman Ulg CHU'.
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