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Home > Breast Units > Directory > Belgium > Sint Augustinus Hospital
Full Member

Sint Augustinus Hospital

Wilrijk, Belgium

Clinical Director

Annemie Prové
Medical Oncology, Director of the Breast Clinic


Aloisja De Schepper
Dedicated Breast Radiologist
Anja Bernaerts
Dedicated Breast Radiologist
Marc Pouillon
Dedicated Breast Radiologist

Breast Surgery

Luc Verkinderen, MD
Breast Surgeon- Gynecological Oncology
Jan Hauspy, MD
Breast Surgeon- Gynecological Oncology
Els Desmedt, MD
Breast Surgery - General Gynaecology
Jean Renard, MD
Breast Surgery - General Gynaecology

Reconstructive Surgery

Jo Vanoorbeek, MD
Reconstructive Surgeon
Nicolas Verelle, FCCP, MD, PhD
Plastic- Reconstructive Surgeon


Gert Van Den eynden, MD, PhD
Breast Pathologist
Maria Del Carmen Tavares, MD
dedicated Breast pathologst
Sabine Declercq, MD
dedicated breast pathologist
Anneke Van der leden, MD
dedicated breastpathologist

Medical Oncology

Luc Dirix, MD, PhD
Medical Oncologist
Annemie Prove, MD
Medical Oncologist
Tom  Van De Mooter, MD
medical oncology
Annemie Rutten, MD
Mediacl oncology


Guido Buelens, MD
Reinhilde Weytjens, MD
Breast Radiation Oncologist
Katrien Erven, MD, PhD
Radiation Oncologist
Petra Janssens, MD
radiation oncologist
Charlotte Billiet, MD
radiation oncologist
Sabine Vanderkam, MD
Radiation oncologist

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