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Home > Breast Units > Directory > Directory > Greece > Metaxa Cancer Hospital
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Metaxa Cancer Hospital

Piraeus, Greece

Clinical Director

Kyriakos Kalogerakos, MD, PhD
Breast Surgeon - Director And Chairman Of Breast Unit


Marianthi Moundrea
Head Of Breast Radiology Dpt.
Christos Kontogianopoulos
Consultant Radiologist

Breast Surgery

Kyriakos Kalogerakos, MD, PhD
Director And Chairman Of Breast Unit
Eleftheria Ignatiadou, MD
Consultant Breast Surgeon
Pavlos Lambropoulos, MD
Consultant Breast

Reconstructive Surgery

Ioannis Kotsakis, MD
Consultant Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeon
Charoula Konstantinidou, MD
Consultant Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeon


Helen Trihia, MD
Consultant Pathologist
Olympia Tzaida, MD
Consultant Pathologist
Christos Valavanis, MD
Consultant Pathologist

Medical Oncology

Nikolaos Ziras, MD, PhD
Director and Chairman Medical Oncologist
Christos Kosmas, MD
Consultant Medical Oncologist
Spiros Xinogalos, MD
Consultant Medical Oncologist
Evangelos Lianos, MD
Consultant Medical Oncologist
Mathaios Logothetis, MD
Consultant Medical Oncologist


Athina Markouizou
Consultant Radiotherapist
Makis Paraskevaidis
Director of Radiotherapy Dpt.
Giorgos Sarris
Director of Radiotherapy Dpt.
Nikos Mpoudouroglou, MD
Consultant Radiotherapist

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