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Home > Breast Units > Breast Units > Directory > Greece > Prolipsis Breast Unit

Prolipsis Breast Unit

Athens, Greece

Prolipsis Breast Unit
  • 160 New breast cancer cases treated per year
  • 12 Breast multidisciplinarity team members
Radiologists, surgeons, pathologists, medical oncologists, radiotherapists and nurses

Clinical Director: Ioannis FYSSASMD, PhD

The breast unit 'Prolipsis' was established in 1993 and its scientific staff consists of: 3 breast surgeons, 2 plastic surgeons, 1 gynecologist, 2 medical oncologists, 1 nuclear medical doctor, 3 radiologists, 2 pathologists, 1 cytologist, 1 microbiologist, 1 dietician, 1 breast nurse. All diagnostic procedures are provided including fine needle aspiration, core biopsy, stereotactic localization, sentinel node radioisotopic localization etc. An affiliation exists with Evgenidion Hospital of Athens University where all operations are performed. We examine about 6500 patients yearly and about 160 of them are new breast cancer patients. Once a week, at the tumor board where 2 radiotherapists also participate among all other staff members, we discuss all new cases together with the old ones that present new events. The board is open to other surgeons for consultation for their patients. We have a database for all patients. Tumor tissues, properly prepared, are deeply frozen (-80°C), ready for testing new concepts. We have published some of our works and participated in local, national and international clinical trials. We are always interested in collaborating with other Breast Units.

Prolipsis Breast Unit

88A Michalakopoulou str
11528 Athens, 
Phone: +302107483110
Fax: +302107483189

Last modified: 26 September 2019