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Home > Breast Units > Directory > Ireland > University Hospital Waterford
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University Hospital Waterford

Waterford City, Ireland

University Hospital Waterford
  • 205 New breast cancer cases treated per year
  • 13 Breast multidisciplinarity team members
Radiologists, surgeons, pathologists, medical oncologists, radiotherapists and nurses

Clinical Director: Carmel Ann DalyFRCR

Waterford Symptomatic Breast Centre (1996) is one of the eight designated cancer centres of the HSE National Cancer Control Programme (NCCP-2008). We provide cancer services to a population of approximately 520,000. It provides a high quality full service to women affected by breast cancer, benign breast disease and those seeking breast reconstruction . The breast cancer services include diagnostics(Mammography, Ultrasound, CT, MRI, Nuclear Medicine), therapeutic & reconstructive surgery, Oncologic chemotherapy treatments and Radiotherapy consultations (facilitated off site therapy at UPMC Whitfield) and palliative care medicine supported by breast care nurses, radiographers and physiotherapists. We also have 4 Triple assessment clinics for urgent patients per week and perform multidisciplinary meetings weekly Total Number of Beds: 537.

University Hospital Waterford

Dunmore Rd.
X91ER8E Waterford City, 
Phone: +35351842000

Last modified: 08 January 2018