Spedali Civili - Breast Unit
Brescia, Italy
- 400 New breast cancer cases treated per year
- 26 Breast multidisciplinarity team members
Clinical Director: Edda Simoncini, MD
The Breast Unit of Spedali Civili Hospital was established in 2012 as a natural improvement of more than 25 year of attention and integrated approach to breast cancer. The multidisciplinary team is composed of radiologists, pathologists, breast surgeons, plastic surgeons, oncologist, radiation oncologists, nuclear physicians, physiatrist and physiotherapists, psychologist and nurses, according to EUSOMA guidelines. They meet twice a week for patient's evaluation and definition of diagnostic and therapeutic strategies. Every choice is always discussed with the patients. Our goal is to tailor individualized treatment according to clinical stage and tumor biology. We provide oncoplastic surgery and when mastectomy is needed, we offer immediate reconstruction. Radioguided Occult Lesion Localization (ROLL) and Sentinel Lymph Node Biopsy (even with intra-operative evaluation) are available. The Breast Unit provides care of all stages of breast cancer, including breast irradiation, pre-operative and adjuvant systemic therapy, mangement of locally advanced and metastatic cancer, psychological and rehabilitative support. Clinical research is part of global strategy treatment.
Spedali Civili - Breast Unit
P.le Spedali Civili 1
25123 Brescia,
Phone: +390303996271
Fax: +390303995093
E-mail: breast.unit@spedalicivili.brescia.it
Web-site: www.asst-spedalicivili.it
Last modified: 03 November 2017