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Directory > Home > Breast Units > Portugal > Unidade de Senologia - Hospital de Santarém, EPE
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Unidade de Senologia - Hospital de Santarém, EPE

Santarém, Portugal

Clinical Director

Madalena Nogueira, MD, MSc
Clinical Director


Isabel Sapeira, MD
Director of Imaging Dpt.
Leonor Moutinho, MD
Head of the Breast Imaging Dpt.
Inês Pereira, MD
Staff Breast Imaging Dpt.

Breast Surgery

José Fiel, MD
Staff Breast Surgeon
Sofia Estevinho, MD, MSc
Staff Breast Surgeon
Madalena Nogueira, MD, MSc
Head of Senology Unit
Rui Garcia, MD
Staff Breast Surgeon

Reconstructive Surgery

Nuno Maria Tojo, MD
Main Plastic Surgeon


Isabel Andrade, MD
Director of Clinical Pathology Dpt.
Pedro Luís, MD
Staff Breast Pathologist
Santiago Ortiz, MD
Staff Breast Pathologist
Christine Dellau
Staff Breast Pathologis

Medical Oncology

Sandra Bento, MD
Director of Medical Oncology Dpt.
Marisol Correia, MD
Medical Oncology staff
Joana Augusto, MD
Medical Oncology Staff
Vera Gomes


Maria João Guardado, MD
Head of Breast Radiotherapy Dpt.
Rosário Vicente, MD
Director of Radiotherapy Dpt.

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